Thursday, February 19, 2015

Jack S.
Per. 4

                  Thoughts and Reflections on: When Free Speech Was First Condemned

In Ancient Greece Socrates was put on trial. He was much wiser than his prosecutors and the jury. With his wisdom, he made all of his foes look like fools by out smarting them and ultimately convincing them to give him the punishment he wanted. Socrates put sentenced to death by poisoning. In this trial Athens saw someone speak their own mind to the jury instead of begging to them and kissing up. This was even new to the jury and the prosecutors and it caught them off guard. They were all extremely offended by the hidden insults and complex questions that Socrates was throwing at them because he proved to them that he was smarter than them. By doing this he angered the jury so much that they wanted to put him to death even though that is what he wanted as well. The bottom line is that Socrates was killed for speaking his mind and expressing his opinion, so that is why this article is called, When Free Speech Was First Condemned. This article did not change my opinion on Socrates in any way. It did allow me to realize how wise Socrates truly was by realizing that his death was inevitable and he came to peace with it. If I were the head attorney of the prosecution team I would call Meletus to the stand to be the prime witness. I would do this because Meletus hates Socrates and would go all out to sway the jury in our favor. On the other hand, I would call Plato to the stand because he loves Socrates with all his heart and would go to great lengths to keep Socrates alive. I would call these people to the stand because they are either devoted to killing Socrates or saving him, but either way they will do whatever it takes to get the jury on their side.    

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