Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Jack S.
Per. 4

                                          Thoughts and Reflections on: Socrates 

Socrates was a philosopher in Ancient Greece who was one of the wisest people our world has ever seen. We know this because he brought many new innovations and ideas to the people of Ancient Greece that would spread throughout the world. For example, the Socratic Method is a series of questions asked not only to draw individual answers but also to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand. Socrates was important to society because he brought so many new ideas to the people who looked up to him. Some even said that Socrates brought his philosophies straight from the gods. Socrates did not worship the gods that others did and he introduced new divinities of his own which is one of the reasons he was brought to trial. Others thought that by Socrates introducing new higher powers to worship he was corrupting the youth. Even though Socrates was extremely wise he was not always the most liked person around. When Socrates says, "I am fairly certain that this plain speaking of mine is the cause of my unpopularity" he means that because his philosophies were not extremely extravagant and mostly said that humans do not know as much as they think people did not want to hear them. Many believed Socrates corrupted the youth, but Socrates is baffled led by this accusation. Socrates does not understand how the whole community can blame one man for corrupting all of the youth.  

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