Monday, January 5, 2015

Jack S
Per. 4

                     Thoughts and Reflections on: The Human Story- Sparta and Athens 

Sparta and Athens were two of the most storied cities in history. There are television shows, movies, and books about them. These two powerful cities were rivals in the same country which made things very interesting. While they were both very powerful and important they did have some differences. For example, Sparta was three times bigger than Athens, Sparta's upperclass was ruled completely by warriors and landowners, and Spartans were known as warriors throughout Greece. Sparta had a harsh and warrior like mentality with a Totalitarian government. On the other hand, Athens was much more of a community, they consulted with all citizens when making certain decisions, and citizens were allowed to vote on their leader. While Sparta was ruled with a harsh military caste government, Athens had much more democratic government. Both of the cities thrived they just decided to do things differently. In Athens we see a mature democratic government work extremely well and efficiently. This was a huge point in history because in today's world democracy is the government style many contribute use including the United States. Sparta had one of the most advanced armies and military tactics to date. In fact, the U.S. Military uses defense tactics that the Spartans used in combat. These are just a few of the advancements the Greeks made that left a lasting impression on the world. 

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