Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Digital Scrapbook Entry #6

                                                 Digital Scrapbook Entry- China

Jack S.
Per. 4 

                                                          The Dynastic Cycle

In ancient China, dynasties were families of rulers who would run the country for a certain period of time. The Shang, the Zhou, the Qin, and the Han were the four major dynasties that ruled ancient China. With the rise of every dynasty another would fall. Each dynasty followed a cycle which was like its life cycle. This was called the Dynastic Cycle. When a new dynasty would begin they would bring peace, rebuild infrastructure, and give land to peasants. When the new dynasty began to wear old they would do things like tax people too much, stop protecting its people, let infrastructure decay, and treat people unfairly. After this happened this dynasty had lost power and control of China and a new dynasty would take over and the cycle would repeat.

In our world today, we see many different governments failing to please there people which ends in a revolution or a civil war. The goal of these conflicts is to rid the old government of that country and bring in a new one. For example, the people of Libya over threw Muammar Gaddafi who had ruled for many years and began to let the country crumble. People did not feel protected or cared about which drove them to over throw the current government at the time and bring in new leadership. 

The dynastic cycle is the course of how leadership and government rise and fall in China, and it still occurs in the world today. The main idea of the dynastic cycle is that each dynasty or form of government will lose control of their people at some point in time. Once the leadership of a country has lost the faith and trust of their people they have lost everything. The dynastic cycle has been tweaked throughout history, but still has the main idea that every dynasty or government will fall.  


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