Monday, November 17, 2014

Digital Scrapbook Entry #3: Egypt

Digital Scrapbook Entry: Egypt 

Jack S.
Per. 4

Pyramid Power

The pyramids are a wonder to our entire world for a few very obvious reasons, but there is a bigger reason that lies a little bit deeper beneath the surface. The pyramids were a huge project when they were being built and people worked voluntarily on them because it made them feel like part of the community and they felt like they were contributing to their country. This type of want to help your community for a greater cause is quite scarce in today's world. There are very few things that's could happen to pull a country together and make them feel like a family that is responsible for one another but a terrorist on your country's biggest city has the power to do that

The terrorist attack on the World Trade Center was the worst terrorist attack in American history. It cost over 3 trillion dollars to repair the damages from 9/11. About 3 thousand people lost their lives in 9/11 as well. To honor the people that died and helped rescue others New York is spending 4 billion dollars to build a new tower called the Freedom Tower. Construction started in April of 2006 and finished in November or 2014. There is over 3 million square feet of floor space in this building and it is the tallest building in the westerner hemisphere, so it is quite big. Taking into consideration all of the damage that had to be cleaned up for this to be built, 8 years is quite fast for such a huge project to be completed.

During the construction of the Freedom Tower people worked countless hours and donated millions of dollars in support of the construction all for the similar reasons that the Egyptians worked on the pyramids, people want to contribute to the community and a major project that has a large meaning makes people want to contribute even more. The Pyramids and the Freedom Tower both have similar meanings and served similar purposes, they were built to remember people who have died and they both brought communities together. 


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