Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Jack S, Per.1                                                                                                                                  8/27/14
Thoughts and Reflection on: Location Location
Sharon Begley
                                               Why Geography is Important to History

        The study of geography is important to history because it can help explain motives behind certain actions in historical events.  This is important also because it can also give us better understandings of events in history which is very important. We must have a good understanding of important historical events because when these events are being taught to students or younger children in general we must be able to truly explain it to them. If our information didn't evolve and progress over thousands of years everything that we would know would be largely outdated.
       The full definition of geography is "a science that deals with the description, distribution, and interaction of the diverse physical, biological, and cultural features of the earth's surface" With this being said if geography of certain events like the conquistadors and before they invaded and massacred the incas is studied thoroughly then maybe we could find certain motives to help us better understand why they did this.
       The conquistadors were big on slaughtering animals for food, clothing, etc. while this was important to their civilization it was also vert destructive due to the diseases the animals carried. When the conquistadors took these diseases to the incas location and climate the diseases flourished and killed over 95% of the incas.

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